Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Meet The New Addition

Transcription from a phone call yesterday afternoon:

Kyle: What's the best thing that could possibly happen to me today?
Rita: Your boss quit or got fired.
Kyle: Hmm ... no. Second best.

What he was referencing was this:

The New Addition
Meet Roxanne.

New to Kyle, but this is a late '50s kit, making it right at 50 years old. He had acquired a cymbal some time ago that was actually quite valuable but he just couldn't seem to make it work for him. So he was taking it around to several area drummers and trying to sell it to them.

Yesterday, he found a guy who was willing to trade him the cymbal for this kit. And I'm pretty sure you can't beat that deal with a stick. (Pun completely intended.)

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Monday, April 28, 2008



This is too good to miss.

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Thursday, April 24, 2008


Whoo hoo!!


The humidity is already rising -- at least it has been for the past couple of days.
Perhaps we're already feeling the beginnings of summer around here.

But today, my yard looks a little more "springy" with the first iris bloom of the season.

My grandmother used to have these in her yard and when I was looking for some bulbs to plant in February, these just seemed like "the ones". I think I made the right choice.



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Monday, April 21, 2008


Harper #1

Yes, I have to call them by their numbers now. No thanks to Clay and Erin* who also named their little boy Harper -- affectionately called Harper #2.









and Scout, fierce protector of Harper and the rest of the Langleys

*No bitterness! Harper is a great name!

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Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Explosions in the Sky

Our friends Andrew and Emily and Zach were in town this weekend. I guess the main reason would have to be that they came to see the American Played Music & Lyrics of Whiskey and Perfume. (So much retardedness that we narrowly missed at the Map Room on Friday night! But believe you me, mullets of that caliber do not come without years of grooming. My hat's off to these guys. Plus they also have that "Butt" song.)

In reality, we all had tickets to see Explosions in the Sky on Saturday night and that was the "big event" of the weekend.

So here are some pictures ... and a link to the rest of the pictures so Andrew can get the ones he wants.

I typically try to reserve judgment on live music until I've gotten a good enough taste of it to make a sound judgment. Their opening act was not good! In fact, he was terrible. NOT the kind of music you want to listen to live ... or at all really!

But their music, on the other hand ... exquisite! And worth the wait!



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loves like a hurricane

For the first time ever, I heard this song at the beginning of the month. And, while I've scoured youtube for a version worthy of embedding, the version that everyone needs to hear is the one that's on this website: Ragamuffin Soul. As soon as I heard it, I emailed it to Tarah in an email titled "A Girl Song that Doesn't Suck". (Tarah is of the opinion that any song she sings sounds dated. While this is not always the case, I promised her I'd keep my eyes open for Girl Songs that Do Not Suck.) (Just didn't want you to think I was the one who put that idea in her head.)

Anyway. None of that is the point. The point is this:

I sometimes have issues with songs that use really wordy passages from the Bible to convey simple ideas. Lyrics about "rising up on wings like eagles" or other such lyrics, the meaning could be elusive to those who have never read this passage in Isaiah. And, let's face it ... they still aren't always that clear even to those of us who have read it! It's just a phrase that we've come to expect in songs you sing at church.

This song is different. I appreciate it from a poetic, literary standpoint. But mostly because it says what it means in phrases that make sense to anyone who hears it.

Add this to the text that we covered this week at church and in small groups -- and often the difficulty I have in realizing that God really does love me ... just me ... as I am. This song just nailed it right on the head for me.
He is jealous for me.
Loves like a hurricane and I am a tree
Bending beneath the weight of His wind and mercy.

When all of a sudden I am unaware
Of these afflictions eclipsed by glory.
And I realize just how beautiful You are
And how great Your affections are for me.

And oh, how He loves us so
Oh how He loves us
How He loves us so

We are His portion and He is our prize,
Drawn to redemption by the grace in his eyes.
If grace is an ocean we're all sinking.

So heaven meets earth like a sloppy wet kiss
And my heart beats violently inside of my chest.
I don't have time to maintain these regrets
When i think about the way

He loves us


Monday, April 14, 2008

Wedding Programs by ME!

Photo by Brooke Turner, Columbia, SC - website - blog

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Friday, April 11, 2008



I get retarded phone calls in my office on occasion. The most recent one came in only moments ago.
Me: First Baptist, this is Rita.
Caller: Hi, Rita. Is your pastor in?
Me: He's out of the office. May I help you?
Caller: If he's not in, what about the First Lady?
(long pause wherein I scratch my head)
Me: What is a First Lady?
Caller: (hangs up)



Weekend Excitement

First, there's this. It's really silly, but, if you're using Mozilla Firefox, Safari, or Internet Explorer 7, look at the address bar at the top. I got a one of these on the side next to the URL. I'm awesome. And also, such a geek. But not really. A wannabe geek. Which is worse.

Anyway. This weekend is full of all kinds of excitement. Starting with the return of The Office last night. (I still giggle when I think of Michael sipping the wine and commenting on the"oaky afterbirth". Yuck!) And tonight, Andrew and Emily are coming to town for the weekend! Whoo hoo! I always love when they visit. They're two of my favorites. Their friend Jacob Johnson is playing at the Map Room tonight and we'll be trying to get down there in time to see that.

And tomorrow night is the Explosions in the Sky show at the Music Farm! Kyle and I saw them in Atlanta last March and we're really excited to see them again.

And whether action-packed or completely relaxing, I hope your weekend is refreshing.


Also, there are these pictures from a wedding that I missed last weekend. They're gorgeous!! Thought you'd like to see them. Also, if you look closely, you'll see some pretty awesome-looking wedding programs! :)

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Move for a Change

This week, the Village Tavern is hosting "Move for a Change". As a fundraiser, this probably needs a little more organization, but ... the idea is a good starting point. Local act, Leslie, is headlining every night this week - and each night they're featuring other local acts as their openers. Each show is all ages and no cover charge. Their method to raise funds is to sell raffle tickets for items like gift cards to restaurants and Urban Outfitters, and also ... $3 Killians, $1 of which goes to the Charity du Jour. Last night's was the Ronald McDonald House.

Kyle and I got out there last night to see All Get Out -- a combination of Mel Washington and a guy whose name I don't recall, but who used to perform with The Explorers Club, but I'm assuming he doesn't anymore since he's not in any of the SXSW pictures on their blog.

And also some small band called The Working Title. (Just kidding. They're kind of a big deal.)

And, of course, the camera was at the ready for most of the night. But unfortunately the tripod was not. And so what came of an evening's worth of photos were lots of fuzziness ... but oh well. Here are some of the better ones.

All Get Out:


please look at the drummer in this picture.
his emo heart is bleeding all over the bass drum.
can you say melodrama?

The Working Title:











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Tuesday, April 8, 2008



a new entry onto your blogroll. Thanks to Chris Cinnamon for passing along this jewel that he stumbled upon recently.

A new blog to add to your reader. It's called Stuff Christians Like. And it's awesome.

My favorite quotes so far.

On Grape Juice:
Of all the juices, grape is the one that we have the strangest relationship with. I mean, it's delicious, refreshing and delightful, but we've also made it the blood of our Lord and Savior.

On Calling People "seekers":
Dear person that does not go to church,

I don't know how to say this, but when you're not around, we call you "seeker." We say things like, "what kind of music will seekers respond to?" or "is that drama seeker focused or not." And when you show up on Sunday, if our church is small enough, our seeker spider sense tingles a little and we really hope the service reaches you. But before you get mad, please know that the alternative is to call you "lost" or "unsaved" or "sweaty philistine."

On Love Offerings:
By not putting a couple of bucks in the offering plate you're actually putting in a big fistful of hate.

It's the perfect balance of snark and self-deprecation. You'll enjoy it, or I'll refund your money 100%.

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Things I Hate, Part 1

I don't know that this will ever become a regular spot on My Life as a Novel, because I don't think there are many things that I legitimately "hate". But this one needs to be said.

For the record: I hate the word "tender".

I've heard it coming into frequent use in the vocabularies of some of my friends. I hate it. Usually it's used in this type of an instance:
Me: "Angela told me to tell you your hair is superbly awesome."
Friend: "Aw, that's tender."

"Tender" is for meat, not moments or compliments.

For your use in coming up with some other way of saying "that's nice" without using the word "tender", please refer to this website:

Thank you.

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Friday, April 4, 2008




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Thursday, April 3, 2008


Harper Wren is Here!


This is my best friend, Anna. We met at church two days after my family moved to South Carolina in 1994. She was the only person who talked to me. And she even called me the next morning -- at 7 AM on Christmas break, but she called just the same and we spent the day in downtown Charleston. And we bought ridiculous matching Jamaican hats. And, I guess you could say that the road was paved on that day for the best friendship of my life.

Not that our friendship was without its typical teenage turbulence at times... like the time I called myself her "preppy ex-best friend". Ah. Those were the good old days.

We did everything together throughout high school. It was a rare occasion that you'd find her involved in something and not see me right there with her -- and vice versa. Up until the time we chose colleges, which was a tad disappointing since we figured out pretty quickly that we weren't going to the same school.

During our freshman year at college, I heard this guy sing and thought, "Anna has got to meet this guy!" They met a month after college graduation and were married a year later. And while she had her hand in my engagement, I like to say I was scheming for hers long before her evil plan ever rooted in her brain. (Yes, the "I don't want to be your boyfriend anymore" was her idea. Evil woman.)

So I beat her down the aisle by a few months, but she beat me to the Labor & Delivery -- hopefully by more than a few months! :)

I stole most of these pictures off of Adam's facebook. But the last one was texted to me last night. Enjoy!

New Dad

JJ, Susan, Harper, Adam

Harper, Anna, Adam

Harper Wren Langley
born: April 2, 2008 at 3:25 PM
7 lbs. 9 oz. | 20" long

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