Wednesday, August 27, 2008



I just wanted to make this proclamation, in case anyone in the "Lowcountry" is thinking it and just hadn't had the opportunity to say it yet.

The Lowcountry Franklin Graham Festival is NOT SIMPLE! It is COMPLEX! And ... weird!!

Take their schedule, for instance. When you're planning a three-day event where, over the course of three evenings, you plan to have meetings in the same location, with the same keynote speaker, wouldn't it make sense that all three meeting times would be the same?!

Nah. That'd be too easy! So why don't we make it really difficult for people to remember and make the Friday night meeting at 7:30, the Saturday night meeting at 7, and the Sunday meeting at 4.

What?! That does not make any sense at all. At all! Anybody who does event-planning knows that you make the schedule as easy on the attenders as possible so that you increase attendance by decreasing confusion.

Please forgive the rant. It's not like it really affects me. Except that I have to promote this craziness at work and it's lack of simplicity is just astounding.


Hey...we would like to go. What time does it start again? :)
7:30, 7, & 4. It's probably best just to show up at 4 each time. :)
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