Monday, June 2, 2008


After After Hours

Journey Groups (small groups at our church) are taking a break for a few weeks. So we all decided that on Sunday evenings for the in-between time we're going to go out to eat together after we tear-down. They're calling this "After Hours" and last night we all ate together at Zaxby's.

And then after that, I discovered all the hours that are between the hours of Sunday night and Monday morning. You know how you go to sleep on Sunday night and wake up and - voila! - Monday morning?

Not so for me. Not last night at least. I laid in bed for an hour or so and tossed and turned. I could tell Kyle wasn't really able to rest, so I finally took my pillow and a blanket and headed for the couch. I turned on the TV, thinking that something brainless would lull me right to sleep. Once again, not so. I finished three episodes of the Gilmore Girls. It was almost 2 AM. I turned the TV off and just laid there. For over two hours. Wide awake.

Zaxby's tea should come with a warning label! And since it doesn't, here's my warning: Don't drink two glasses of it if you want any rest at all. I mean, I've had Starbucks coffee closer to bedtime and gotten more rest than I did last night!

Also, random aside. A lady in my office just touched my butt. So uncomfortable. Granted, she was just commenting about the bird that is embroidered on my pocket, but ... still. Inappropriate.

Yay for random butt touching! :)
Inappropriate? -- or hot?

Oh... still inappropriate? Okay then.
Andrew, if you saw the person in question, there would be no doubt. Definitely NOT HOT.
Only one of my gladiolas has bloomed so far, but there's a bunch of buds on other ones! I can't wait to see what color they are.

None of the irises I got from my mom have bloomed, and I'm not enough of a flower person to notice unless they bloom. :) I can't remember if she had day lilies in her garden. I think she might have.
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