Tuesday, August 14, 2007



About a year or so ago, my aunts contacted me to design a logo for their new business. They were opening up a yarn shop near their home in the North Georgia Mountains. They had a very specific idea in mind about how the logo should look, but left the actual details to me. And this is what I came up with:

And you've never met more happy customers. They brag on me every chance they get. They make sure I know how much they appreciate my work. And they show it off as much as possible.

And because of that, I know they're really happy with it, so it makes me feel good too.

Yesterday, I got a package in the mail from them with some goodies inside. Among the items were a project bag with the logo on it. And a local magazine that featured their store! And MY LOGO!!

They'd been telling me that someone had written an article about them, but apparently my aunts are the queens of downplay. It was the cover article! With lots of pictures and quotes other good stuff!

I haven't been up to see the store since it's opened. When I was visiting at Christmas, it was just an empty storefront with a few shelves and baskets laying around. Now I can't wait to get up there and see it for myself!

Yay, Aunt Janice & Aunt Karen! And, if you're ever in North Georgia, you should go pay them a visit.

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