Tuesday, June 26, 2007

I have developed this bad habit of taking vacation days one-or-two at the time so that when the summer rolls around and I want to take an actual vacation, I have to scrounge around for vacation time. This past weekend, I took off Friday and Monday so I could have a long, relaxing weekend,. And that's exactly what I had. And the best way to spend relaxation time is with close friends and family.

On Thursday, after work, I packed up and headed out for Hampton. It was Watermelon Festival Weekend. If you are from Hampton, the Watermelon Festival is either (a) The. Best. Thing. Ever. and your entire calendar year rotates around the third week in June or (b) something to be avoided. My husband is of the latter persuasion. My mother in law, the former. Since I'm not from Hampton, I'm just sorta fascinated by it. It's like a big homecoming event for the whole town and the energy is fun and catching.

Every year on Friday night is the Street Dance. This year was no different. A large section of "downtown Hampton" is blocked off, two big stages are brought in and (at least) two bands play from 9PM to 1AM. And people dance. In the street. Except me. I walk around looking for my mother in law. I don't see her, so I leave. :)

Saturday morning was the parade. (Also, breakfast with John and Edith. I must interrupt this train of thought to share that John was so excited about this! He was a little giddy.) Saturday morning was also the morning of debuting new shoes.

Alert! The first time you wear these shoes, they WILL give you blisters.
These are NOT a good idea to wear when you're walking around all morning!

Baby Joy's First Birthday Party was Saturday afternoon. She ate cake and I tried, to no avail, to convince her to stuff her face IN the cake. But her cousin, Joey, had no problem doing so. With very little convincing from me, he dove face-first into what was left of Joy's little cake. I took pictures and laughed.

Sunday afternoon, I was back home and it was The Sunday Before Kyle's Birthday. My family celebrates birthdays on Sundays, when we all get together for lunch anyway. On this particular Sunday, we got to use someone's swimming pool for Sunday afternoon, so we went over early and hopped in the pool and spent most of the morning hours there.

Then Monday was Kyle's actual birthday. He had to work. So I slept in. His mom took him out to lunch and his boss gave him the afternoon off. When he got home, I cooked him a nice dinner, and reminded him as often as I could, how awesome Wilco was and that that was his real birthday gift!

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