Friday, March 9, 2007


Church Hunt, Again!

Kyle and I got the chance to talk about stuff last night. (I hadn't seen him since Monday night!) I told him how much I enjoyed Seacoast and how actually going there defied any preconceived notion that I had of it. Sure, it's big and "corporate-ish". I had expected that, but not in as negative of a light as some. (It's working, no?) But I had expected a multitude of people - all representing one generation. I was surprised and pleased to see multiple generations worshipping together by choice. I had expected it to be really loud and really rockin'. It was good and I don't mean that. But it wasn't deafening and it was stylistically a little different than I expected. I had expected a HUUUUGE worship center that was completely packed with people. And it was packed, but it wasn't really any bigger than some Baptist churches I've attended. I think I had in mind that it was just this really HUUUUUGE place where you just wade in a pool of people, straining to see over their heads and simultaneously not get your toes stomped. (Seems a bit ludicrous in hindsight, I suppose but ... oh well.)

And, when walking through the hallway, I happened to look up to see that there was a kid above my head in a big plastic bubble!! The children's area is apparently upstairs and has a big playscape in it. I love that the church leadership is that forward-thinking that they're making the church a place where kids actually want to be! I love that it looks like a mall and has a big cafe styled like a "food court" that teenagers feel comfortable hanging around in. (If history has proven anything, it's that teenagers and malls are an easy combination, no?) Now I'm sure there are issues with "spoiling the spoiled" -- but when they come there, they hear the word, they worship ... they're at church!!

As you can tell, I really enjoyed it. And I'm enjoying it more as I have time to process it. We talked a lot last night about my reaction to everything and how pleasantly surprised I was by all these things.

Oh yes. Another benefit: I really loved the anonymity of Seacoast. Not one single person asked me, "Why aren't you at First Baptist? Why are they cancelling their contemporary service?" Extra bonus points.

Anyway. Does this mean we'll be attending Seacoast this weekend? Probably. Which one? Who knows?



Great to have you at Seacoast. I am glad that the experience was a good one for you. Please let me know if there are any questions that you have and I will be glad to help you get them answered.

Shawn Wood
Teaching Pastor
Seacoast Church
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